If this is your first year doing this series, you might consider using our Inquiry Series 3 material for the year or hosting an orientation meeting using our September material before moving on to the current month. Don't forget to give us feedback!
We also offer a critique of hope from the Afropessimist tradition as a secondary resource, Calvin L Warren’s “Black Nihilism and the Politics of Hope.” Warren views political hope as a tool that engages Black people in a political system that keeps justice, equality, and freedom just beyond reach, perpetuating Black suffering. Thus, he expresses hope in rescuing the spiritual concept of hope from the political, freeing people to choose to invest their hope elsewhere.
Material Hope: How can we as educators support our students with the resources they need to gain a sense of control and agency in the face of social stressors?
Socratic Hope: How can we as educators support our students to courageously examine self and society, too often a painful process in an unjust society?
Audacious Hope: How can we as educators cultivate the solidarity, care, and healing involved with audacious hope, or as Duncan-Andrade puts it in metaphor: “to collectively struggle to replace the concrete completely with a rose garden”?
How do we build a school culture and design curriculum that engages critical hope?
Facilitation Reference Guide:
Set a day and time for your group to meet - Make sure to send reminders. If you’re meeting in person, snacks are always a good idea!
Send this month’s journal prompt to your group. Look through the additional readings to see if there is another reading that might be better suited to your group and its interests.
Feedback Form: We have made edits to our feedback form, with the hopes that you find it faster and more straightforward to fill out. Please have one person in your group take a few minutes to fill out our feedback form to let us know how it went. It is very helpful to hear from you, and helps build our connection to you!
Thank you all for your feedback so far, please keep it coming!
Pass The Hat: In addition to being accountable to our colleagues and students of color, we believe it is important to be financially accountable to people of color who are doing this work on a daily basis. Each month, we will recommend an organization led by people of color, in education and beyond, doing the work of pushing for justice.
At the end of each monthly discussion, pass a hat (or a box) and collect donations for the designated organization. You can then have one group member go online and donate in the name of your school. If you want, you can add “Building Anti-Racist White Educators” after your school name.
Given the rhetoric, threats, and attacks on our immigrant communities, we suggest that you consider donating to a local organization defending immigrants in your community. Last month, we suggested one of Philadelphia’s organizations dedicated to protecting immigrants, Juntos.