Set a day and time for your group to meet - Make sure to send reminders. If you’re meeting in person, snacks are always a good idea!
Send this month’s Primary Resource to your group. Look through the additional readings to see if there is another reading that might be better suited to your group and its interests.
Prepare yourself for next month by setting a date and time, inviting colleagues, and looking out for our next Discussion Guide on May1st.
Feedback Form: As we grow in year six, we hope that one person in your group can take a few minutes to fill out our feedback form to let us know how it went. Pass The Hat: In addition to being accountable to our colleagues and students of color, we believe it is important to be financially accountable to people of color who are doing this work on a daily basis. Each month, we will recommend an organization led by people of color, in education and beyond, doing the work of pushing for justice.
At the end of each monthly discussion, pass a hat (or a box) and collect donations for the designated organization. You can then have one group member go online and donate in the name of your school. If you want, you can add “Building Anti-Racist White Educators” after your school name
Inaash Tatreez is “dedicated to improving the lives of women in the Palestinian refugee camps of Lebanon. Maximizing employment opportunities for Palestinian female artisans one stitch at a time, by producing high quality, hand-made traditional embroidery. Embroidery is the living heritage of Palestine, transferred from mother to daughter through the ages. Our vision is to conserve it, promote its beauty and keep it relevant in today’s world on behalf of those who produce it.” Read more about them here. Donate here.