Dear Museum of the American Revolution Board of Directors:
In July 2020, BARWE led a session at the Museum of the American Revolution (MOAR) Finding Freedom Institute. We appreciated the thoughtful engagement of staff from the Museum, and the way they took our input and vision into consideration as they planned their antiracist work that summer. We have appreciated the way the Museum has attempted to tell a more complex and inclusive version of the founding of our country, particularly with exhibits like the current Black Founders exhibit.
This is why we find it dismaying that you would rent your space to an organization like Moms for Liberty, now designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. This group is trying to ban some of what the Museum includes in its exhibits from being taught in schools, and partners with groups that have promoted political violence. Moms for Liberty stands in direct opposition to the museum's stated values of integrity, inclusivity, and empathy. We do not believe it is sufficient to say that this event is happening after hours. Allowing groups like Moms for Liberty to rent space at the Museum undermines the other work the MOAR is doing, and puts marginalized folks in our community at increased risk. Moms for Liberty is also threatening the powerful work we as educators are doing in our schools, and we would hope that the MOAR would stand with us in showing that their vision is not welcome here in Philadelphia.
We stand in support of the workers from the MOAR who have demanded that Museum leadership cancel this event with Moms for Liberty. If the Museum truly hopes to uplift an inclusive American history that includes Black history, women’s history, and queer history, then Moms For Liberty should not be welcome in your space. Your website claims, “When we make mistakes, we will acknowledge and learn from them.” This is your chance to put these words into action.
Core members of BARWE (Building Antiracist White Educators)
In July 2020, BARWE led a session at the Museum of the American Revolution (MOAR) Finding Freedom Institute. We appreciated the thoughtful engagement of staff from the Museum, and the way they took our input and vision into consideration as they planned their antiracist work that summer. We have appreciated the way the Museum has attempted to tell a more complex and inclusive version of the founding of our country, particularly with exhibits like the current Black Founders exhibit.
This is why we find it dismaying that you would rent your space to an organization like Moms for Liberty, now designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. This group is trying to ban some of what the Museum includes in its exhibits from being taught in schools, and partners with groups that have promoted political violence. Moms for Liberty stands in direct opposition to the museum's stated values of integrity, inclusivity, and empathy. We do not believe it is sufficient to say that this event is happening after hours. Allowing groups like Moms for Liberty to rent space at the Museum undermines the other work the MOAR is doing, and puts marginalized folks in our community at increased risk. Moms for Liberty is also threatening the powerful work we as educators are doing in our schools, and we would hope that the MOAR would stand with us in showing that their vision is not welcome here in Philadelphia.
We stand in support of the workers from the MOAR who have demanded that Museum leadership cancel this event with Moms for Liberty. If the Museum truly hopes to uplift an inclusive American history that includes Black history, women’s history, and queer history, then Moms For Liberty should not be welcome in your space. Your website claims, “When we make mistakes, we will acknowledge and learn from them.” This is your chance to put these words into action.
Core members of BARWE (Building Antiracist White Educators)