In our third Inquiry Series, we are asking two big questions: How can we dismantle white supremacy culture? And how can we center Black joy and resistance? Our first three months will focus on establishing our familiarity with those questions, and the rest of the year we will apply these lenses to our curriculum, classroom culture, and staff culture. In a retreat conversation with our Melanated Educators Collective partners, they asked us to consider how white supremacy culture shows up in our work. As we ourselves learn about white supremacy culture and work to disrupt it, we want to slow down the pace of our series. White supremacy culture tells us to hurry up and check “become antiracist” off of our to-do list, but we recognize that this is work which requires careful attention and time. After November, each reading in our series will guide our work for two months at a time instead of one, giving more opportunity for deeper learning, accountability, and action. Every other month, our email to you will consist of follow-up work on the previous month’s topic and text. In the spirit of differentiation and disrupting white supremacy culture, we have also revised our discussion protocol to make it more flexible.